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MYL BERLIN offers vocational training (IHK)

In order to be able to receive vocational training for certain professions in Germany, one must complete this vocational training at special companies. MYL BERLIN GmbH was checked in detail by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry (IHK) last year and is therefore allowed to offer certain vocational training.

In our case, you can learn the profession of specialist clerk for online trade with us and, if this is successful, you will have a recognized IHK training.

The name says it all – anyone who works as a merchant in e-commerce sells goods and services on the Internet. The term “e-commerce” stands for “electronic commerce”. Even if the job description of the merchant may well be one of the oldest, merchants and clerks in e-commerce are still a relatively young subgroup. On the one hand, this has to do with the fact that the openly accessible World Wide Web has only been used so heavily for retailers for a few years; on the other hand, pure online retailers were not allowed to offer their own training for a long time, but that has changed in the meantime.


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